Thursday, May 23, 2013

20 Questions: School Uniform

1) What enforced your decision about school uniforms?
2) Do you approve or disapprove of the new mandatory uniforms?
3) How do you think the student body will react?
4) Do you think the student body will follow dress code?
5) Why waste so much time in making sure everyone is wearing the proper uniforms?
6) What was your reaction?
7) What would be the positive outcome of enforcing uniforms?
8) What would be the negative outcome of enforcing uniforms?
9) Do parents have a say in this issue?
10) Don't you think this will affect students individuality of expressing themselves?
11) How do you feel about being forced against your will into wearing uniforms?
12) Will you start a petition into getting rid of them?
13) Will you be more accepting if the uniforms weren't old fashion and seasonal?
20) How long will the mandatory uniforms be enforced for?

SOURCES: Principal, Teachers, and Student Body. 

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